Thank you so much for purchasing "List Building Expert" eBook, you're only few minutes away from learning the list building strategies for your success. I know you're excited to check out your new purchase so I'll get straight to the point...
Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than plain text?
There's no doubt people prefer video content these days, that's why YouTube, Periscope and other big visual content services are so popular. In fact, YouTube is currently the 2nd largest search engine on the Internet serving millions of visitors every single day!
You probably don't have enough time to read the complete 50+ pages eBook and I completely understand you. Your time is valuable for me.
That's why I've created a special video version of my course!
... so you can watch it on your PC or TV and save a lot of time that you can spend on your other business activities.
Just imagine that you can learn all the valuable information I've put into the "List Building Expert" guide in under 1 HOUR.
Yes, that's right. Instead of reading plain text for 3-4 hours or maybe more you can run my video series and complete the whole training program in one hour or less. That means you will have more time for much more important things like your family!
Time is money. As mentioned before, you can be very busy and like any successful business person have not enough time for such boring stuff like reading eBooks. With my special video course you will be able to learn everything from the "paper" version up to X5 faster. You can:
With that said, isn't it the right moment to save your time?
Without any further delay let me introduce you...
As you can see from the real-life screenshot above, this is a high quality series of 10 videos.
Here's exactly why this video upgrade is so valuable:
Just calculate the amount of free time you'll obtain after watching this video course...
List building is not hard. But this video course will make it even easier...
Actually, all you need to do is act right now...
Along with the complete "List Building Expert" video course, you will get an exclusive bonus gift, just because you're already my client. But don't wait - this is a one time offer means it may dissapear at any time.
MP3 Audio Course
Don't have enough time for watching the videos?
You can use this audio version of the course in MP3 format.
You can listen it in your car, from your smartphone or MP3 player wherever you want!
That's right, you will get this
awesome extension for absolutely
FREE! But as stated before, please don't wait, this is a
time limited bonus and if you don't take action right
now, it will be gone in no time!
Look, you could spend hours reading the plain text eBook or you could
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The choice is obvious.
Most of the video courses available online are priced from $97 up to $297 and that's a really heavy price tag.
But this is a limited time offer just for my customers so you can get everything today for a measly $[your price]!
What's really important now is NOT the tiny amount you'll invest in this video course but how much you'll LOSE OUT if you don't!
Reading through the 50+ pages of text is pretty time-consuming and you can really save a lot of time with this video course.
And just as always...
Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try the product for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied just send me an email and I'll send you a refund right away.
No questions
asked! So there's absolutely no
risk on your part. All the
risk is on me.
That's right. You can test drive it for a full 30 days after your purchase to see if it is for you.
Watch it. Absorb. Apply it to your
life. Observe the results.
If for any reason at all, you're not satisfied with this video course whatsoever, just contact me and I'll refund your purchase right away!
I'm delighted to have the chance to
offer this exclusive video upgrade to you, and I know you’ll
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Again, you will receive the
complete video course based on the eBook for only $[your
Just click the Buy
Now button right now and take ownership of this
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Warm regards,
[Your Name]
P.S. Videos are so popular these days, you just can't miss this opportunity to improve your learning and save a lot of time meanwhile!
P.P.S. Remember, your purchase is backed by my 100% satisfaction money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose except a chance to try it out for yourself!
No Thanks, I Have a Lot of Free Time and Prefer Reading Plain Texts
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