Do You Know Your Numbers?
If Not - You Should Be
You know what I hate about business?
The numbers.
I mean, ...not ALL of them.
I love seeing big fat checks, I like to see bank accounts rise...but I hate the "nitty gritty".
Don't you agree?
Do you like spending the day breaking out spreadsheets, account books or calculators? I bet not!
You probably want to do things like getting out there and selling! Maybe you want to create things. You might want to spend time with your staff, or more importantly your customers.
...You Don't Want to Deal With The Numbers
I get it. We all get it.
The numbers are boring. They are technical. ...They kind of suck.
There is one major problem though - numbers matter. No matter what line of business you are in - the numbers matter. If you don't have a good grasp of them, then you are missing out on opportunities.
If you don't know anything about the numbers, and you just let someone else take care of that might get taken advantage of.
Knowing Your Numbers Doesn't Have to Suck
There is some good news though. You don't have to know all of the numbers. As long as you have a good basis, you can still make informed decisions.
Let me offer you a hand:
![Business Numbers](Images/Software_Box.png)
The Big 4 - is the perfect introduction to 4 simple numbers every business owner should know.
This simple, user-friendly guide will take a complete "newbie" and teach them the very basics of tracking their business numbers.
Areas of Focus:
- Introduction: Knowing Your Numbers
- Great, So I Have to Learn Math?
- Number One: Revenue
- Types of Profit
- Why Revenue Matters
- Adding Revenue Streams
- Number Two: Cash Flow
- “Breakeven”
- Having the Money When You Need It
- Factors Affecting Cash Flow
- Liquidation
- The Quick Ratio
- Number Three: Price Point
- Value Proposition
- The 1-5 Rule
- Is Your Pricing Sustainable?
- Offers and Deals
- Tweaking Your Pricing
- Number Four: Expenses
If you want to get an introduction to this vital information, please hit the button below...
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