

I don't think you and I need to talk much about social media.

It is 2015, you know as well as I do, just how important social media is for business. I am not going to insult your intelligence with a bunch of flashy words about it. I don't have to sell social media to you.

All I have to do is show you numbers. The cold hard facts:

    • Nearly 2.1 Billion people have a social media account
    • 1.7 Billion of those people are currently active
    • 3.65 Billion people have access to social media through smartphones
    • 47% of all people are on Facebook
    • Twitter has over 284 Million active users
    • 53% of people aged 18-29 have an Instagram account

I could keep going...but why bother? I think we can agree...

Social Media Matters

It matters now...and it is going to matter even more in the future.

You know what the best way to take advantage of it is? Connecting with AND becoming a social media influencer.

Influence: The capacity to have an effect on the behavior of someone or something

Using social media isn't going to make a difference - using social media correctly can make a huge difference.

You need to learn how to become an influencer. You don't want to just spam social media with links - you want to use social media to become influential.

This means when you post something, people take action. They click your links, they share your links and they react positively to your calls to action.

This isn't easy, but it CAN be simple if you know what you are doing.

Time to find out what to do:


SWAY - is the perfect introduction to Social Media Influence

This simple, user-friendly guide will take a complete "newbie" and teach them how to become a social media influencer.

You Will Learn:

    • What Is Social Media Influence?
    • Using Social Media To Influence Your Audience
    • Social Media 101 For Businesses
    • Why Is Social Media Influence Important?
    • How Do You Build Your Social Media Influence?
    • How To Measure Your Social Media Influence

If you want to get an introduction to this vital information, please hit the button below...

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