With this information your income can be virtually unlimited...


"The Easiest, Fastest Way To Create, Package and Sell Digital Information Products Online For BIG Profits"

Do you think you can handle more money?

Dear Reader,

Creating and profiting from information products is how I've been able to make millions of dollars online.

Starting with nothing. Actually I started with worse than nothing - I was in debt up to my eyeballs!

In just a few minutes from now you can be watching the 5 videos I've created (watch online and/or download them) that goes step-by-step into a system that has taken me 10 years to create and develop.

You'll get an inside look at how money is really made selling information products online.

Who am I?

My name is David Vallieres and I've been selling information products online since 1996.

Yes, 1996. I created a sales page and put it online that sold an information product in 1996. Not many people (if any) can claim that.

I've created over 35 different information products - 30 in just the last 10 years alone.

I don't want to give you the idea that it was easy - it took me 5 years to create my first information product.

My second one took me 3 years. My 3rd one I created in a year.

Since then I've created 2-3 new products each year for the last 10 years. It got easier after I created a "system"...

What Will Be Revealed In This System

You’re probably wondering at this point, “So what's this system and what makes this different than affiliate marketing or doing drop-shipping etc...?”

First, to really make money online you must have your own product, or a product you control 100% (that means either you created it or you had it created for you as a ‘work for hire’)

Having your own product gives you incredible flexibility, control and opportunities.

Having your own product is like building a house and owning it free and clear.

It’s like starting a company and having instant equity.

It’s like having a patent on a new invention.

It's like having the only road that leads to a beach on a hot, sunny day.

This is key: You do not have to create the product yourself… you can… but you don’t have to. It depends on how much involvement you want to have. There are so many ways to source products or create them easily and I’ll show them all to you.

Use a proven system

Nothing, I repeat nothing is easier, better, and more profitable, than having your own product and using a proven system to sell it. Having a system in place creates opportunities, eliminates uncertainty, fear and expensive mistakes.

Create for yourself occasional large paydays

In one week (about 30 hours of ‘work’) I created a product that put over $250,000 in my bank account over the next 6 months. Another product that took me 36 hours total brought me $601,309 in just over 35 months.

I’ve also had a lot of smaller winners:

One product did $64,800 in sales in 3 days.

Another one did $37,000 in a couple of weeks.

And there were a few that did $15,000 in a 2-3 days but then went on to be an evergreen (a term that means the content is something that never needs to be updated or becomes out of date) seller for me.

And not all of them were in the Internet marketing space- about half were in other markets.

Am I smarter than other people? No.

Am I a better marketer than other people? No.

Do I have a system no one else uses? Yes.

And that makes all the difference.

I’m not smarter,

I’m not better at marketing, and

I was a total “unknown” in some of the markets I got into ...

... but was able to generate huge amounts of cash on demand.

How? I have a system!

What's Revealed In This System

You'll discover:

where to get ideas for information products (this is tricky)
how to implement fast without worry or stress
time management - getting it done on schedule
outsourcing made easy and
how you can scale this system to make as much money as you desire!

Module 1: Why Original Content Information Products? The Why, When, What and How

Module 2: Creation, Market Selection and Positioning: Pre-Terms and Market Selection Simple and Fast

Module 3: Packaging, Presentation and Fulfillment: My Super-EZ System For Creating Infoproducts That People Love

Module 4: The Selling Process In 3 Easy Steps + The Publisher Model, Expert Model and Hybrid Model

Module 5: Advanced Profit Strategies, The Profit Ladder and The Big Payday System

3 Things About My System You Should Know Before You Order

There are 3 things about my system that made a huge difference in my income that I’ve never revealed before that no one else is doing:

Number 1:
I create my own products really fast. When an idea strikes, I move fast. There are hard ways to create your own products and there are easy ways. I like easy. And I like fast. I’m going to share my fast, easy ways with you.

Number 2:
I have a unique way of selling my products that almost GUARANTEES I’ll make big money with them. I never know exactly how much money I’ll make of course, but every time I create one I KNOW it’s going to make me money – and even get me into a position where I create a Big Payday for myself.

There’s no guessing, no worries and no fear. I have no doubts they will make money.

Number 3:

I have BUYERS, ready whenever I come out with something new. I have a relatively small list of high quality buyers who buy whenever I come out with a new product. You can too. I'll show you how to get them and keep them interested in your offers.

I will take you by the hand, teach you my marketing and information creation system (the easy and fast way, not the hard and labor-intensive way) and how to create your own Big Payday as well as all the tools and resources you need!

I will give you every detail of my system – nuts to bolts, A to Z, what makes it work, what to watch out for and how to generate the maximum money from each and every product.

where to get ideas for information products (this is tricky)…

how to implement fast without worry or stress...

time management - getting it done on schedule...

outsourcing made easy and ...

how you can scale this system to make as much money as you desire!

The InfoMaster System and training program is uploaded to a password protected area that you can access 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week at your convenience and you'll have LIFETIME access. So take it on your time schedule and when you need need a refresher, it's there for you.

These methods are based on over 15 years of real-world experience in the information products business. No one else dares give you the amount of inside information. The only other way to get this level of information is to get it by trial and error... and wait 15 years. Learn from the experience of others and profit now! Doesn't that make sense?

This is a course you will benefit from your entire life. It's like having a key to the worlds market and the demand is insatiable.

The ball is in your court? What do you say? You wanna play or sit on the bench?

Join me and finally start winning the money game by controlling the flow and distribution of original content information products.

It's a great business, in fact, in my opinion, it's the best business in the world!

Let's see what people are saying about my other courses and trainings,

"Hi Dave,

First, I wanted to say thanks... I still had not been through your Unstuck Seminar (three years later).  Talk about being stuck!

So I decided to go through it before I bought another course from you that would probably collect dust on my hard drive.  Well I'm sure glad I did. I've listened to it at least five times now, and it is changing my life.

Everything goes down on a yellow pad now.  I'm focused on one thing now and not trying to work six businesses all at the same time.  I'm focused on "The Word" constantly throughout the day.  I'm getting much better about working on emails once a day for an hour.  I always have my priorities right in front of me.  I'm finally starting to make some money, and I'm actually building a business instead of just trying to make money.

The reason I say you're a genius is you are a real visionary!  Everybody thought Tim Ferris came up with the idea of doing email once a day.  You were doing it with your phone calls long before that (maybe he watched the Unstuck Seminar :).  Also, if only I'd watched the course in 2007 and implemented just one of the ideas you gave like Directories, Local Directories, Local Lead Generation, etc., I'd be rich.

Thanks for your help Dave. 

Best regards,

- Tim W.

"David, I want to THANK YOU for designing this (Mind Method) course and making it available via the Internet. I am telling you this is something special. Thanks again,

- Kevin G.

"Greetings Dave, Just thought I would say thanks for the video training...it’s first class...by far the best I’ve seen out there!! Thanks for your time,"

- Dail S.

"I was just thinking about the other day who would be the person I learnt the most from, or who would be the person I would call one of my mentors... I think you would be the one. And I wanted to thank you for this. People just forget to say thank you in the daily grind. :-)"

- Peter L.

"Hi David, I've been silent, but extremely active about your training. I've learned a lot of incredible concept. You have changed almost everything in my business philosophy. I did everything wrong! ... I have learned from (other gurus) etc. and my own experience. ... But the information you give is too valuable... and would never reveal it ... I'm very serious about that. "

- Yan B.

"I buy *lots* of stuff and typically I see almost the exact same ol' - same ol' stuff. Dave's information is hot and from inside the trenches which makes it even more valuable. I recommend it for anyone who wants to build an online information business."

- Yanik Silver


My Guarantee To You

You have an entire year, yes 365 days, to tell me this was not worth the investment you made TIMES 10 and you want your money back. If what you learn in this course does not exceed, in your opinion, many times your investment I want you to tell me.

I'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

Best wishes for your success,
David Vallieres

P.S. Did I tell you it comes with lifetime updates? Yes, anytime there's something new, you'll have instant access to the updates as they happen.

Yes! I want these videos in which I'll discover how to easily create and profit BIG from Information products!

Get my system, InfoMaster, showing step-by-step how to easily create, package and sell information products fast!

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