

Pretty simple question right?

If you are reading this far - you are almost assuredly the owner of a business or company. You might be a one-person show right now, but you have big plans and big dreams...

You are destined for business success...and nothing will get in your way!

If that describes you - GOOD! That is what the business world needs - fearless leaders ready to take on the world.

Even the best leader needs a plan though. Or better yet a purpose; a single guiding light that helps you stay on your charted course.

Core values - can be that "guiding light".

What Are "Core Values"

According to YourDictionary.com: 

Core values are the guiding principles that dictate behavior and action. Core values can help people to know what is right from wrong; they can help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their business goals; and they create an unwavering and unchanging guide.

Sounds pretty handy right?

Defining and setting your core values early will provide you with your roadmap to success.

It might not be a straight forward course, there will be ups and downs - but through it all you will know what you have to do to stay true to your values.

Core Values Are More Than a Plaque on The Wall...

Core Values:

  • Help you make decisions
  • Help your company stay on course
  • Educate customers about you
  • Give you a competitive advantage
  • Help recruit the type of employees you want to work with

If this is still sounding a bit foreign to you - let me offer you a hand:

Have A Code

Having a Code - is the perfect introduction to defining your business values.

This simple, user-friendly guide will take a complete "newbie" and teach them the basics of "Core Values". It focuses on a couple of different modules:

  • The What & Why of Business Values
  • Types of Business Values
  • How to Set Business Values

If you want to learn more about Business Values and get an introduction to this vital information, please hit the button below...

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